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Tag: think

Articles tagged as Think

Know Your Values

Posted on August 8, 2023 by Frankie Gullotta
Values will be the beliefs that motivate us to accomplish things and pursue happiness.Since values will be the way to obtain meaning and satisfaction in life, we should know and prioritize them.Values Clarification is only a fitness we perform to notice our most significant values.It may be the process where you will discover out in an obvious and concise way everything you do believe.This technique can help you consider yourself, know how others view you and vice-versa, and just why you do everything you do on a regular basis...

How is the Mirror of Life Treating You?

Posted on June 4, 2023 by Frankie Gullotta
What you see on the planet and far of how others connect to you is really a based on what's within you.The planet your home is in is really a mirror, reflecting for you everything you feel and project.This could be hard to handle, once we don't desire to think that we have been anything like all that people see on earth.This is simply not to say you are alone in charge of everything going on on the planet...

What You Think About, You Bring About

Posted on March 9, 2023 by Frankie Gullotta
It seems that most people inside our world nowadays appear to struggle from daily in a single area or another within their lives.Most think that they are only a victim of circumstance and they haven't any control of these seeming difficult situations.Almost all believe that it really is by just fate or chance they must endure these unpleasant and uncomfortable situations and circumstances, and that there surely is absolutely nothing they are with the capacity of doing which will change them...

Life - Bitter And Sweet

Posted on November 6, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
The worst enemy of men is their very own mouth.Because of it one falls sick, because of it one dies and because of it enemies are created.Guard yourself against your personal mouth and avoid speeches made.When words are spoken carelessly and without the harm, upon getting into others' ears, a curse may arise.Be on guard all the time, a good careless whisper may bring us nightmare and bitterness for an extended, very long time...

Barriers to Self Care

Posted on July 22, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
I Think there are several key reasons why mothers find it difficult to take care of themselves:* Time - One of the significant obstacles to self-care is the feeling that there is just not enough time.Going from leisurely lunches with friends (before the days of motherhood), to sleepless nights, packed lunches and car pooling, is a massive adjustment.Often we're left feeling stretched for time.Multiple Role Players - In the modern society, moms play several roles - everything from career professional, soccer mom and committee volunteer, to chauffeur and housekeeper...

Combating the Worrying Mind

Posted on April 27, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
We worry about issues, but stress is itself an issue.It inhibits clear thinking, it drains us of energy, it upsets our sleep and our digestion.It may make us irritable, bitter, regretful, gloomy, depressed.What a price to pay for something that serves no useful function.We learned to stress at a young age, but they were childish fears, but these childish fears carried to maturity.Worrying is all about control, all of us have a vision of how we want things to be, but when matters or situations don't turn out as we expected we feel helpless and overwhelmed with an unknown and unpredictable future...

How To Be A Man Or Woman Of Integrity?

Posted on February 17, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
There are times in the life span of every individual who takes his stand on high moral principles when his faith in, and knowledge of, these principles is tested to the uttermost, and the manner in which he comes from the fiery trial determines as to whether he has enough power to live as a man of Truth, and join the business of their free, or will still remain a servant and a hireling to the cruel taskmaster, Self...