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Tag: wrong

Articles tagged as Wrong

It's Not Your Call!

Posted on November 13, 2023 by Frankie Gullotta
There is one action that people take towards others that irritates everyone.That action is sticking our noses where they don't belong.To describe it better this happens whenever we give unsolicited and unnecessary advice.In addition, it happens when people look for out concerning the others person's private life.Another form is by dropping a hint to your partner that states your knowing of their personal issue or just of these private life...

What I Dislike About the New Stay at Home Fad

Posted on December 16, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
With kids going wild and shooting up schools much criticism has been raised about both parents working beyond your home.It emphasizes on parents being too busy to cover focus on their children.Subsequently a lot of women are creating a conscious decision to leave their careers to be able to care for the tiny ones.If you ask me that is good but, some women are forgetting about their financial security and becoming 100% dependents of these partners...

How To Be A Man Or Woman Of Integrity?

Posted on February 17, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
There are times in the life span of every individual who takes his stand on high moral principles when his faith in, and knowledge of, these principles is tested to the uttermost, and the manner in which he comes from the fiery trial determines as to whether he has enough power to live as a man of Truth, and join the business of their free, or will still remain a servant and a hireling to the cruel taskmaster, Self...