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Tag: skills

Articles tagged as Skills

The Importance of Effective Communication Throughout Our Life Time

Posted on August 21, 2023 by Frankie Gullotta
Communication how important it really is to all or any humans.Because the moments of our existence we communicate our wants and needs.That is shown in verbal and nonverbal ways.A word will not even have to exist for others to learn what we are in need of.As we age our phonemes (sounds) are created into words, sentences, and conversations.Unfortunately because of birth defect, trauma, or perhaps a hearing challenge (multiple ear infections) hinders our capability to effectively develop verbal communication...

What I Dislike About the New Stay at Home Fad

Posted on May 16, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
With kids going wild and shooting up schools much criticism has been raised about both parents working beyond your home.It emphasizes on parents being too busy to cover focus on their children.Subsequently a lot of women are creating a conscious decision to leave their careers to be able to care for the tiny ones.If you ask me that is good but, some women are forgetting about their financial security and becoming 100% dependents of these partners...

Lack of Confidence and Its Effects

Posted on February 9, 2022 by Frankie Gullotta
Confidence comes from within you.Confidence can also be what you show on the outside regardless of, or to conceal, what you feel inside.You might have the tools and skills to do anything you want in the world but without confidence nothing will be done.Okay, so all of us know there are times when we may lack confidence, particularly when we are confronted with something new or daunting.Sometimes, despite our lack of confidence, we do it and we don't...

5 Tips to Eliminate Overwhelm And Accelerate Action

Posted on November 19, 2021 by Frankie Gullotta
The further you get up to bat the more you develop skills.Each time in the plate is another opportunity coming your way.The more you do it the more you will progress.Whether the sport is your game, profession, business, home, or taking a risk something is clear.The more you do it, the greater your skills become, and the more you achieve.Below are 5 tips to remove overwhelm and accelerate action.1- Keep a Clear Course ~ Imagine mowing your yard by simply wandering around mowing where you see grass at any given moment...